Teeth Grinding or Bruxism

Bruxism, also known as chronic teeth grinding, gradually wears down and damages the teeth, and this often happens when one is undergoing a lot of anxiety or stress. Individuals who are experiencing sleep bruxism oftentimes do not realize that they are clenching their teeth. 

The common signs of bruxism happen during childhood but will slowly resolve as adolescence approaches. Teeth grinding can also be a result of missing teeth, sleep disorders, an abnormal bite, and crooked teeth. If left untreated, bruxism can lead you to suffer damaged teeth, jaw disorders, and headaches. 

Teeth Grinding And Its Symptoms

There may be no symptoms at all if bruxism is only mild. However, if it is already severe, headaches and sore jaws are among the common signs that one is experiencing clenching of the teeth, which may lead to chip and fractured teeth. There may even be a chance of loose teeth and tooth pain to occur. There are also cases wherein the sound of teeth grinding is enough to wake the sleeping partner. 

There are also other symptoms of bruxism such as:

Stress, depression, or anxiety

Causing damage to the inner part of the cheek by chewing

An ache in the ear

Pain in the face

Pain in the jaw

Tightening of jaw muscles

Tooth sensitivity to heat or cold

Tooth enamel that is worn

Flattened and worn teeth

Earaches are often associated with the grinding of the teeth when the jaw muscles are overworked rather than an actual result of ear problems. Severe bruxism can also damage the temporomandibular joints (TMJ), a portion of the jaw that is located just in front of the ear. 

Complications caused by Bruxism 

The most common complications that resulted from bruxism are jaw disorders and tooth damage. There is also a finding that depression is a result of dental grinding, as well as eating disorders, sleep disorders, and insomnia hence the need to learn more about bruxism. 

Different Causes of Teeth Grinding

There is no exact cause of bruxism yet that has been identified. However, it is found out that anxiety and stress increase the risk of clenching the teeth, as well as high frustration levels and danger. 

There are quite a couple of stimulating substances that can trigger dental grinding such as coffee and other beverages which has caffeine. Smoking, alcohol consumption, and other medications are also triggering factors of bruxism. 

Treatment and Diagnosis

The dentist can conclude that there is possible bruxism in case there are signs of fractures, tooth wear, and tooth sensitivity when he conducts a dental exam. The crowns may be observed to wear down faster than they normally would, as well as with other dental works, or there may be signs of chewing in the cheeks that can be seen. Another possible things that suggest bruxism are complaints about headaches, jaw pain, facial pain, and ear pain.

You can visit this website to learn more: https://www.encyclopedia.com/medicine/divisions-diagnostics-and-procedures/medicine/orthodontics.